Policy Manual

The Board of Education, in consultation with senior staff, determines policies and regulations which govern the direct operations of the school district’s human and physical resources. These policies are designed to ensure a high level of conduct and quality educational services that inspire student success and prepare our students for the future. Click on the headings listed below on the left side to access the relevant policies.

Mandate and GovernanceCommunityAdministrationPersonnelStudentsInstructionFacilities

Policy Index Alphabetical Index
Policy Index Numerical Index


91×ÊÔ´È«¼¯ Municipal Bylaw
91×ÊÔ´È«¼¯ School Board Bylaw
Board of Education, School District 41 -91×ÊÔ´È«¼¯
ChairpersonChairperson of the Board of Education
C.C.C.Criminal Code of Canada
F.C.S.A.Family and Children Services Act
F.I.P.P.AFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
F.S.A.Fire Services Act
I.H.S.Industrial Health and Safety Regulation
M.O.Minister´s Order
M.O.E.C.C.Ministry of Education and Child Care
S.A.School Act
S.R.School Regulation
SuperintendentSuperintendent of Schools